Payment Information:
Payment will be done after the code is finished. I do not like receiving payment before. However, if that is what you wish then I will accept it. But I like to make sure you like the work before any exchange is mad. Just in case I have to change or add anything, which can affect the price depending on what it is.
All payments are done via Paypal. Monetary currency is USD. Very little exceptions will be made as there are some countries that don't like to cross paypals. If this is the case then RPC credit is to be obtained in some fashion. You will be provided with a link to payment Paypal, or if alternate means were discussed wherein a screenshot is provided of alternate payment to myself, and a confirmation of either RPC services or credit is obtained.
I accept any tips if you are so inclined to provide one. They are greatly appreciated.
Contact Information:
I can be contacted via Discord, Skype, RPC DM, or RPC Mail.
Discord: Ask for it via message
RPC Main Name/s: Yandere, Aunt Charlie
I do not mind giving out my Discord but keep in mind that it is my personal one as well. So be polite and respectful. Make sure to message or mail me first on RPC before adding me on discord so I know it is coming and I don't dismiss it. Do NOT give out my discord to anyone without my permission.